Monday, March 11, 2019

{YADP} The Waking Forest by Alyssa Wees (Interview & Giveaway)

Young Adult Debut Promotions (YADP) is a post I do to help debut authors enter the book world with a bang! It's important for readers to find new authors, but it's also important for them to connect. That's my goal with this post. And if I'm being honest, I also really enjoy working with the authors and getting to know them. Click here for more information!

Today's debut author is....

Alyssa Wees

Alyssa Wees
In between training in ballet and watching lots of Disney movies, Alyssa grew up writing stories starring her Beanie Babies. She earned a BA in English from Creighton University and an MFA in Fiction Writing from Columbia College Chicago. Currently she works as an assistant librarian in youth services at an awesome public library. She lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband and their two cats.

Connect with Alyssa:
Goodreads | Website | Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram

Author interview
1. Why did you decide to become a writer?
I don’t think I ever really decided that I wanted to write; it’s just something I’ve always done. Storytelling is my way of making sense of the world and of myself. I’ve always known I wanted to be a writer and it’s really exciting that I now get to share my story as a published book!

2. Who were your biggest influences?
I’ve always been a Disney fanatic, and while The Waking Forest is quite a bit darker than most Disney movies, I was inspired by all the stories I watched growing up. I also read Philip Pullman’s Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm while writing. The Waking Forest is not a true retelling of any one fairy tale, but there are glimmers of familiar tales throughout.

Other influences include Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, anything and everything by Libba Bray, the Fairyland series by Catherynne M. Valente, and the Colors of Madeleine series by Jaclyn Moriarty.

3. Where do you like to write?
Mostly I like to write at home at my desk because I feel most comfortable and creative when I’m in my own space. I have a favorite café I go to sometimes to write, but I’m easily distracted by noise and people moving around me, which jars me out of my writing headspace.

4. When and how did you get the idea for The Waking Forest?
I started writing The Waking Forest about four years ago. I didn’t have one big idea of what I wanted the story to be, but a bunch of little ideas that came together. I wanted to write a modern fairy tale that combined everything I love: sisterhood, dreams and nightmares, witches, magic, and creepy forests!

5. What was the writing process for the book like? Were there ups and downs, or was it smooth sailing?
My first drafts tend to be very messy, so the hardest part comes in the editing stage. With The Waking Forest, I had to make sure the multiple storylines matched up and weaved together seamlessly. Knowing what information to give and when to give it so that it would have the most impact was really difficult, but I’m proud of how it turned out!

6. How was the publishing process for you, as a debut author? Was it what you expected? Can you share some challenges or interesting tidbits?
One of the challenges of publishing is that it sometimes takes a long time for things to happen, and waiting can be hard. Plus, there’s a lack of control over anything but the words you put on the page. For example, I didn’t have much say about the cover of the book (which I love, so it worked out just fine). It was difficult to let go of this story that I have worked on so intensely and for so long to let it take on a life of its own. 

7. What are your plans for the future, and do they include writing?
My only plan is to keep writing!

1. Movie
Beauty and the Beast

2. Book/series
Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente

3. Dessert
Chocolate tart

4. Animal

5. Hobby
Riding my bike, and playing tennis


Thank you for answering my questions, Alyssa!! I've always wondered about the behind-the-scenes of getting a book published, so these answers are very enlightening. I particularly like how you mentioned making sure the different storylines match up seamlessly because that's something I often notice and mention in my reviews. I've wondered how authors know when to drop the right tidbit of information at just the right time. Also, I had no idea the author doesn't choose the cover of their book, that seems kind of...wrong. Like, what if you don't like the cover? Also, I LOVE Libba Bray's books as well, she is amazing.

Alyssa's book

The Waking Forest
The Waking Forest
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Release Date: March 12, 2019
by Delacorte Press

Goodreads / Purchase
The waking forest has secrets. To Rhea, it appears like a mirage, dark and dense, at the very edge of her backyard. But when she reaches out to touch it, the forest vanishes. She’s desperate to know more—until she finds a peculiar boy who offers to reveal its secrets. If she plays a game.

To the Witch, the forest is her home, where she sits on her throne of carved bone, waiting for dreaming children to beg her to grant their wishes. One night, a mysterious visitor arrives and asks her what she wishes for, but the Witch sends him away. And then the uninvited guest returns.

The strangers are just the beginning. Something is stirring in the forest, and when Rhea’s and the Witch’s paths collide, a truth more treacherous and deadly than either could ever imagine surfaces. But how much are they willing to risk to survive?


One (1) signed finished copy of The Waking Forest
Sponsored by Alyssa Wees
US only
Be honest. Only submit entries that are real
Ends March 18, 2019 @ 12:00 AM
Click here for my giveaway policy

Thank you so much, Alyssa, for stopping by! This was the first YADP post I've done in years so I appreciate you working with me and not being annoyed by my trying to figure everything out again. I can't wait to see what you do in the future!


  1. Oh this is a great post Emily, I'm always out of the loop with debut authors, so this post will definitely help me to keep top of things! Also I have to agree the cover is so pretty!

    1. I've been out of the loop too! It was really hard to find the authors to get this post back up and running. But hopefully I'll be able to keep it up for a while and help you stay updated haha. Ugh I know, I can't stop staring at it. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Omg! This cover is to die for and Wees seems to be a unique person. I bet this book is amazing. Thanks for sharing it with us and giving us a chance to win. :)

  3. I'm so so excited for this gorgeous book. I loved reading about it <3
    Megan S.


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