Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read in 2013

Top 10 Tuesday is a meme by Broke and Bookish, hosted each Tuesday, where bloggers list their top 10 in the chosen topic of the week.

Today's Topic:

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors Read in 2013

C.J. Redwine - Defiance had been a book that I just had to read for a long time before it came out because just look at that cover!  It just had a certain vibe to it that screamed "Read me I'm awesome".  This book is just amazing.  The world building was very well done, and the story line was fast-paced.  What I really loved though was the romance, it was so amazing and sweet.


John Green - This book...I just can't describe it.  Heartbreaking would be a good word, I think.  I was way late on the bandwagon for this one, but I've read it twice now and gosh...this book is just so good.  Read it!
Rachel Shukert - Starstruck was Rachel's debut, and I hadn't really heard anything about it before I read it.  There was no hype, and the only reason I noticed it was because of the cover.  But it turned out to be a very enjoyable historical fiction book.
Maurissa Guibord - Like the one above, I had heard NOTHING about this book before I read it.  I noticed it because of the cover.  But it turned out to be a really beautiful and interesting mythology book with an awesome ending.
Anne Greenwood Brown - Male POV?  Not my thing.  That's what I thought before I read this book, but afterwards I was like "Why did I ever think that?"  This book was so amazing and it had a beautiful amazing romance and what an ending oh my gosh!


Margaux Froley - No hype for this one either, and it was mystery, which I didn't think I would enjoy.  Which is weird because like every single mystery book I've ever read I've liked.  But whatever.  This one was really awesome and I honestly couldn't figure out who the bad guy was but once it was revealed all the little clues made sense.  I think that is absolutely crucial in a mystery book, and Froley did an awesome job of it.
Cat Winters - There was hype around this book and so many people were loving it, so I just had to join the bandwagon.  This book was freaking creepy!  The setting and writing was so well done and the story line was so heartbreaking, but it was such an awesome book!
Bethany Wiggins - Words cannot describe my love for this book.  It was so freaking amazing.  The world building was so well done and the romance was just perfect and the story line was fast paced and their were twists and turns and ugh...it was just amazing.
Jennifer Salvato Doktorski - This one is just the perfect summer read.  It was so light and fun and hilarious and just awesome.  This was the first roadtrip book I ever read because I thought those kinds of books would be boring.  But this one wasn't and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Huntley Fitzpatrick - Best contemporary book I've ever read.  Hands down the best contemp ever.  This book was just so amazing.  It had everything I love: humor, romance, awesome main characters, awesome supporting characters, and a great plot.  OMG this book!  And there's going to be a sequel!!! *dies*
What's your Top Ten this week?
Link me up!


  1. Love your list! I'm hoping to read Defiance in 2014. I've heard really great things about it. And YES to the companion to MLND. I've been wanting one, although I would adore one from George's pov when he's a teen.

    Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog
    My TTT

  2. Escape Theory and In the Shadow of Blackbirds are 2 books I meant to read this year, but didn't get to. I really hope I find time in 2014 for them :) I'm glad you discovered John Green this year!! Everyone should read his books. If you haven't read Looking for Alaska yet, it's AMAZING!!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT


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