Tuesday, April 16, 2019

{YADP} The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala

Young Adult Debut Promotions (YADP) is a post I do to help debut authors enter the book world with a bang! It's important for readers to find new authors, but it's also important for them to connect with the authors. That's my goal with this post. And if I'm being honest, I also really enjoy working with the authors and getting to know them. Click here for more information!

Today's debut author is....

Swati Teerdhala

After graduating from the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Finance and History, she tumbled into the marketing side of the technology industry. She’s passionate about many things, including how to make a proper cup of chai, the right ratio of curd-to-crust in a lemon tart, and diverse representation in the stories we tell. She currently lives in New York City.

Connect with Swati:
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Author Interview

1. Why did you decide to become a writer?
I’ve been writing ever since I was a kid, on and off, but I never thought of writing as a possible career. I just didn’t know anyone and I kind of thought authors were these magical creatures! I started writing again more seriously after I graduated from college, when I gave myself the challenge to just sit down and write the book I’d always wanted to write. And then I couldn’t stop!

2.Who were your biggest influences?
I’ve always loved mythology and history, since I was a child, and they’re both huge inspirations to me as a writer. As a kid, I started to read a lot of adult fantasy at a young age–everything from Tamora Pierce to Mercedes Lackey, Jacqueline Carey and Terry Brooks.

3. Where do you like to write?
I’m definitely a morning writer. I like to tap into my creativity before the weight of the day has fully settled on me (and before I go to my day job). Right now, I have a little desk setup in my apartment with my large calendar on the wall, but really I try to write wherever I can! Preferably with a cup of tea though.

4. When and how did you get the idea for The Tiger at Midnight?
I first got the idea for The Tiger at Midnight when I was traveling and visiting an old Fort. It was the first spark of an idea of what would become The Tiger at Midnight and the first time I heard the voice of Kunal, one of the two main characters. I looked out from one of the old window openings and wondered what would be the most odd or startling thing a soldier of old might have seen. A girl. And that’s the opening page of THE TIGER AT MIDNIGHT.

5. What was the writing process for the book like? Were there ups and downs, or was it smooth sailing?
The first draft of this book, which I wrote in a few months, was fairly easy. However, I revised extensively and would say the published book is probably my seventh draft of this story. There were definitely some ups and downs as I tried to hone in on and expand the story at the same time. I think the hardest part is when you’re on your fourth round of revisions and you don’t know if you’re making it better or worse with the changes anymore! I knew I had this grand story I wanted to tell, but it took me some time to find the right way to tell it.

6. How was the publishing process for you, as a debut author? Was it what you expected? Can you share some challenges or interesting tidbits?
It was pretty typical, honestly. Publishing is an industry that requires a lot of patience, and that’s certainly something I developed! Also a thick skin. Everyone says it and I’m just going to second it–rejection is commonplace and not personal. I think that was the biggest lesson I learned. To see every rejection not as failure, but as the next step to improving and to getting to where I wanted to be, which was a published author.

7. What are your plans for the future, and do they include writing?
Definitely writing! The second book (sequel to The Tiger at Midnight) is coming out in spring of 2020 and I’m revising that and drafting the third book as well. Hopefully, I’ll have a lot more stories coming out into the world in the future. :)

1. Movie
Shakespeare in Love

2. Book/series
Harry Potter OR if that’s cheating, I’d say The Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce

3. Dessert

4. Animal
Tiger ;)

5. Color

6. Hobby
The point you made about understanding rejection isn't personal is something I really need to learn as well. I am at the point in my life where I am trying to start my career and applying for a lot of jobs, but I haven't gotten any of them. The failure is disheartening, but I need to do what you did and use it as an opportunity to learn. Those were very insightful answers, thank you for sharing all that.

Swati's Book

The Tiger at Midnight (The Tiger at Midnight Trilogy, #1)
The Tiger at Midnight
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 496
Release Date: April 23, 2019
by Katherine Tegen

Goodreads / Purchase
Esha is a legend, but no one knows. It’s only in the shadows that she moonlights as the Viper, the rebels’ highly skilled assassin. She’s devoted her life to avenging what she lost in the royal coup, and now she’s been tasked with her most important mission to date: taking down the ruthless General Hotha.

Kunal has been a soldier since childhood, training morning and night to uphold the power of King Vardaan. His uncle, the general, has ensured that Kunal never strays from the path—even as a part of Kunal longs to join the outside world, which has been growing only more volatile.

Then Esha’s and Kunal’s paths cross—and an unimaginable chain of events unfolds. Both the Viper and the soldier think they’re calling the shots, but they’re not the only players moving the pieces. As the bonds that hold their land in order break down and the sins of the past meet the promise of a new future, both rebel and soldier must make unforgivable choices.

Drawing inspiration from ancient Indian history and Hindu mythology, the first book in Swati Teerdhala’s debut fantasy trilogy captivates with electric romance, stunning action, and the fierce bonds that hold people together—and that drive them apart. 


One (1) finished copy of The Tiger at Midnight
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Thank you so much, Swati, for stopping by! I can't wait to read the sequels to your debut novel!

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